Alberta drivers guide

Get Alberta Driver’s License

Alberta drivers license is a handbook that contains the necessary information on all the practice knowledge tests and related information about driver’s licences. The guide helps prepare for road tests and become a driver. The Alberta drivers test study guide states that the minimum age to get your class 7 driver’s licence is 14.

But driving is a big responsibility. It doesn’t mean that 14 is the right age for everyone. Every person has their own pace. So a person should learn it when they think they are ready for it.

Alberta’s Drivers Test

For drivers guide Alberta, there is no need for appointments. The exams are taken on a first-come, first-serve basis. For applicants under the age of 18, legal guardians must come with them. The alberta drivers license test consists of 30 questions that the drivers must pass.

Only five mistakes are allowed in this test. It is the official learner’s test. The primary road test is a 30-minute test of driving. The purpose of this test is to check the driving skills of a person under different circumstances. It’s essential for the drivers to prepare accordingly for this test as this test is challenging.

How to Pass the Alberta Driving Test?

The following tips can help you pass the alberta drivers license test: 

  • Priorly learning about the traffic signs and lights. The signs will instruct you to keep the maximum speed at 80 km/hr.
  • It is advised to maintain your lane while turning left or right. 
  • Before changing lanes, slow the speed and signal the cars behind you so they can be cautious. 
  • Side mirrors should be checked appropriately. The driver should take a look at the back to ensure that there is no car behind. The speed of other vehicles should be monitored as well while changing lanes.
  • It’s the duty of the examiners to check each and every point of the driver’s drinking skills. The examiner needs to guarantee that you have the information to drive while keeping the path, keeping up with speed and space contingent upon the street you are going.
  • Never use mobile phones or text or call anyone while driving. 
  • The most important part is to park like a professional. The driver should practice parallel parking several times before the test.


To sum up, we can say that the Alberta drivers learners guide contains information about all the questions included in the test. The book contains information on traffic signals and licences. The basis of driving is also explained in the guide. It also gives guidelines about controlling the vehicle in emergency and challenging conditions.

The official learner’s test consists of 30 questions. The basic driving test is about 30 minutes. The driver is required to pass these tests, which are quite challenging. In short, the Alberta driver’s licence guide contains all the information that can help a driver to get their licence.

Enroll Now & Start Driving With Confidence

MTO Approved Courses
Knowledge Test Preparation
Road Test Preparation
In Class Schedule Courses
Online Driver Education
G & G2 Licence Preparation
Defensive Driving Course

Enroll Now & Start Driving With Confidence

MTO Approved Courses
Knowledge Test Preparation
Road Test Preparation
In Class Schedule Courses
Online Driver Education
G & G2 Licence Preparation

Defensive Driving Course