Best Apps for Tracking Teenage Drivers

Best Apps for Tracking Teenage Drivers

There are some of the best apps for tracking teenage drivers to give complete knowledge about their driving. Teenage drivers commonly drive vehicles at high speeds or carelessly. Parents never stop worrying about their children, even if they are skilled drivers. 

Tracking apps or devices will make it easier for you as they will give you knowledge of their activity through alerts. It is legal to install a tracking device in a vehicle or install an app on your phone. If you are confused about why, how to track an app, or where you can get it, then this article is for you. 

Why is it essential to track teenage drivers?

The following are the reasons why parents must monitor their new teenage drivers. 

Speed Limit

As new teenage drivers always excited for driving, and drives like a plane. They won’t cross the maximum speed limit when they know their speed is monitored.

Safe Travel

When the parent monitors teenagers while driving, they can ensure their children reach their destination without issues. The parents can feel relaxed when the teens go on long trips.

Avoid Distractions

While driving, use of a phone can cause distraction, which is dangerous. If your teen uses phones and gets distracted, you will be notified, so they will try to avoid using the phone. 

Habit development

Through consistent monitoring of the teens driving, you will be able to learn your child’s driving behavior. You can discipline their driving styles and insist on the safety measures on wheels.

How to track your teenager’s car

You can track your teen with a GPS tracker or by using apps for tracking teenage drivers. 

  • GPS Tracker: GPS-enabled teen driver system will help you track your child and know where he is and how he is driving.
  • Apps for tracking teenage drivers: There are some of the best apps for tracking teenage drivers to monitor their activity, like speed monitoring and location tracking. 

Best Apps for Tracking Teenage Drivers

There are some of the best apps for tracking teenage drivers to keep you updated about their activities. 


When it comes to teen driving apps, one of the most widely used apps is Life 360. With the Life 360 app, you will get the following benefits: 

  • Your child’s real time location, like where he is in the United States, can be tracked. It also provides driving behaviors such as speed phone use, hard braking, acceleration, and distracted driving. 
  • Also, the app will automatically send you a message in case of an accident.
  • An SOS alert for emergency help if your teenage driver gets. 
  • Its safety feature makes driving reports visible to everyone in the trusted circle. 


FamiSafe is an ideal app for keeping an eye on your children’s digital footprint and assisting you in developing driving habits. A parental control app, FamiSafe, was carefully created with parents’ worries and concerns about their children in mind. With the FamiSafe app, you will get the following advantages:

  • The FamiSafe will restrict your child’s device screen time.
  • Receive notifications if there is any offensive content on your children’s gadgets.
  • Get thorough app use reports about your children’s usage of each app and how long they spent using it. 
  • When browsing the internet, filter their browsing by putting the right filters in place to prevent seeing unwanted content and websites.
  • Protect your children from explicit, questionable, and pornographic content in messages and on social media apps.
  • Track your children’s whereabouts in real time, look through their past, and set up geofences that alert you.

Driving Monitor App Road-Ready

Undoubtedly, one of the best apps for tracking teenage drivers and keeping an eye on them is Road Ready. The driving guide with such a tool makes this process simple, educational, and convenient.

With the Driving Monitor app, you will get the following benefits: 

  • With just a click of a button, parents can log the required amount of supervised driving time. 
  • Parents can record their driving experiences with the app. This enables them to feel that, before they begin driving independently, they have sufficient experience behind the wheel.
  • Parents can receive guidance and assistance in identifying areas that require improvement while also tracking driving conditions and time.

DriveScribe App

Another name for the DriveScribe app is “Safe Driving Coach.” It helps monitor teen driving and rewards them for safe driving behaviors. With the DriveScribe app, you can enjoy the benefits listed below:

  • The app will give the driver a safe driving score at the end of each driving trip. 
  • DriveScribe app will notify friends and family members in case of any problems. For example, speeding too much, failing to stop at a stop sign, or hard braking, by text message or email.
  • Traveler mode records comprehensive data on driving behavior every second.

Drive Smart

Drive Smart is one of the best apps for tracking teenage drivers to check their performance. With the Drive Smart app, one will enjoy the following features:

  • The driver can put their phone in drive mode by using the DriveSmart app. 
  • Any incoming calls will be routed to voicemail as a result, and any incoming texts will be silent and automatically answered. This app encourages self-evaluation and offers data and metrics that can be used to track and analyze driving behavior in order to improve one’s driving skills.
  • Teens can practice driving lessons more skillfully with this app without feeling like they’re being watched. 

How we Best App for Tracking Teenage Drivers?

There are multiple feature-rich safe driving applications available for teenagers. Tracking apps are available on Google Play and the App Store. Some apps need to be downloaded and installed on both your teen’s and your phone.

Some apps will ask for the purchase of a GPS tracker to be mounted on your teen’s vehicle. There are paid apps, free apps, and apps with a free trial or free version that include premium paid features. You can find the best options for your phone by searching in the appropriate store.


In conclusion, it is critical to keep an eye on young drivers in order to protect their health and promote safe driving habits. Use tracking applications to stay aware of your speed, stay focused, and receive real-time location and driving behavior updates.

Parents can benefit from specialized apps and modern devices like GPS trackers and Life360, FamiSafe, Road Ready, DriveScribe, and Drive Smart. One can find these apps in the Google Play Store or App Store.

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