Stress-Free Journey

Ways to Transform Your Commute into a Stress-Free Journey

Did you know that on average every Canadian commuter spends about 26 minutes per day travelling. And we can forget the daily traffic which is another problem for us. This feels like a hassle, right? We know that commuting is a frustrating and stressful experience, especially if you have to travel through public transport.  

However, there are ways to make driving enjoyable and transforming commute stress into a stress-free journey. You just need a change of mindset and a little preparation so that you can have a smooth and relaxed journey. We will give you some tips for stress-free driving due to which you will not take commuting as a chore. Let GClass Drivers give you some of the tips that will transform your commute into a stress-free journey.  

10 Ways to Transform Commute Into a Stress-Free Journey

Some of the ways which will be helpful to you for a relaxed commute experience are as follows:

Play Music

Playing your favourite music can lighten your mud, provide comfort and reduce stress. Numerous benefits have been proved through studies that listening to tunes have psychological benefits. Along with this music also improves your cognitive performance, endurance and motivation.

Listen To A Podcast

For a stress-free journey we would suggest you listen to a podcast. If you listen to an inspiring conversation it’s easy to get motivated. You will remain fresh throughout the day and would have the energy to deal with your tiring tasks. Some spend some of your time listening to your favourite podcast. This will help you enjoy your commute time. 

Embrace the Power of “Me-Time”

Some people take the commute time as a chore or something that they have to do. This makes the journey tiring and boring. This type of thinking will only increase your stress levels. You need to change your mindset. By flipping your mindset you can change this stressful commute chore into a  stress-free journey. Try thinking of this time as your Me Time. Just simply relax, think about what you want to do in life or reflect on your achievements. This will make you feel less frustrated and stressed. 

Read A Book

If you are a passenger then the best thing you can do is read a book. You can also listen to the audio book if you are not in the mud to read. This will lighten your mud and you can have a stress-free journey. Choose a book which you wanted to read but couldn’t because of a shortage of time. This is the best way to pass your time. It’s much better than scrolling through Facebook or Instagram.

Learn To Relax

Reduce commute stress with physical relaxation techniques. Start by raising your eyebrows, closing your eyes, and stretching your mouth wide. Then, clench your fists, pull your shoulders up, and tighten your thighs and abs. Focus on deep belly breathing to relax further. Consider meditating using guided apps for a peaceful commute experience.

Set Your Goals

Research was done by Francesca Gino who was a professor at Harvard Business School. According to his research, a commute should be taken as an opportunity to transition into your work role rather than a time for relaxation or listening to music. You should list down 3 of your most important tasks and visualise them. Set realistic goals and make a list. This will help you complete those tasks easily. 

Maintain Your Posture

Pay special attention to your posture if you want to have a stress-free journey. Make sure that your back is straight and feet are flat on the floor. This will help you avoid neck and shoulder pain. It’s better to take a pillow with you to ease your back pain. In case you are standing, avoid putting all your weight on one foot. This can cause back pain.

Practice Mindfulness

We know it’s not possible to meditate when you are on a bus, car or a metro. But you can practise mindfulness, right? Observe nature and pay attention to those things you usually ignore. Writing is also a great activity. You might discover some interesting things just by writing down your thoughts.

Get Things Done 

It doesn’t mean you can’t get your things done in the middle of a commute. During commuting, it doesn’t necessarily mean to work. You can stay updated about the trends in your relevant industry. You can also sort your emails and get mentally prepared for your meetings. This will give you a headstart in your working day and will help you get in a more positive state of mind.    

Prepare for the Unforeseen

Regardless of your mode of transportation to work, unexpected delays can often arise, causing stress due to the lack of control. Having alternative routes planned out in advance provides flexibility when faced with delays. Consider options such as taking different modes of transport or alternative routes to mitigate the impact of unexpected circumstances like roadworks or train delays.


In conclusion, transforming your commute into a stress-free journey is indeed possible with a shift in mindset and a bit of preparation. By embracing various activities such as listening to music or podcasts, practising mindfulness, setting goals, and utilising the time effectively, you can turn your commute into a valuable and enjoyable part of your day. Remember to prioritise relaxation techniques, maintain good posture, and be prepared for unexpected delays. With these strategies in place, commuting can become a time for personal growth, relaxation, and productivity rather than a source of stress and frustration.


How can I make my commute less stressful?

You can make your commute less stressful by engaging in activities that you enjoy, such as listening to music or podcasts, reading a book, practising mindfulness, setting goals, and utilising the time to get things done.

What are some relaxation techniques I can use during my commute?

Some relaxation techniques you can use during your commute include deep belly breathing, practising mindfulness, focusing on your posture, and listening to calming music or guided meditations.

How can I stay productive during my commute?

You can stay productive during your commute by using the time to catch up on emails, prepare for meetings, stay updated on industry trends, or set goals for the day ahead. Additionally, you can use apps or tools to help you stay organised and focused.

What should I do if my commute is delayed unexpectedly?

If your commute is delayed unexpectedly, having alternative routes or modes of transportation planned out in advance can help mitigate the impact of delays. You can also use the time to relax, listen to music or podcasts, or practise mindfulness to reduce stress.

How can I maintain good posture during my commute?

To maintain good posture during your commute, ensure that your back is straight, your feet are flat on the floor, and avoid putting all your weight on one foot if standing. Using a pillow or cushion for support can also help ease back pain.

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