Extreme Conditions

Mastering Equipment Handling Under Extreme Conditions

Slippery roads, wet and icy conditions, less tire traction, more chances of accidents, all of this is the worst dream of any driver. But the point is if you are living in Canada then you have to face this dream. Hamilton weather conditions can change at any time that is why you need to be prepared. 

Although, icy storms and heavy rain conditions aren’t new for canadians. But still be cautious. It doesn’t matter whether you have lived your whole life in Canada, safety should be your top priority. In such conditions, every turn, every break needs to be a calculated decision. Moreover, along with this chaos, we can’t deny the fact that there is an increased chance of collisions. That is why you must know equipment handling under extreme conditions. 

But fear not if you don’t know equipment handling under extreme conditions. GClass Drivers are at your service. Continue reading the blog to know more and to learn how to handle your car under  extreme weather conditions and challenging environments.

How Bad Weather Affects Driving?

Before discussing some tips on equipment handling under extreme conditions you need to know how bad weather conditions affect driving. First and foremost, you need to understand the limitations of your equipment. Extreme weather conditions can affect the performance of your machinery. 

According to a survey almost 38000 accidents occur in Toronto every year. And about 30% of accidents in Canada are due to bad weather conditions. Also, 5% collisions occur in snowfall. This is how weather can affect your driving. So driving in these conditions and equipment handling under extreme conditions is a little difficult. But don’t worry, continue reading for some life saving tips.  

5 Tips for Equipment Handling Under Extreme Conditions

Some best practices and life saving tips that will surely help you in bad weather conditions are given below:

Regular Vehicle Maintenance

Firstly, the main thing you need to do is keep your vehicle in peak condition. It’s natural for bad weather conditions to occur at any time. So you need to step up your game. Before heading out on the road, it’s crucial to perform a quick vehicle inspection. Check your car’s fluids, battery, tire pressure, and fuel levels. Ensure your mirrors and lights are clean. By regularly maintaining your car and inspecting it before each trip, you’ll reduce the risk of roadside issues or damage during extreme weather events.

Snow Tires 

Snow tires can improve your safety in icy and snowy conditions. Unlike all season tires, these snow or winter tires are specifically designed for slippery roads. These tires are more flexible so it’s easy to remove snow from under them. With the help of winter tires you can avoid skidding, sliding and loss of control.

Maintain A Distance

You also need to maintain a distance of at least 8 – 10 seconds from the car in front of you. This will help in case you need to apply sudden breaks or need to turn. Leaving more space between your car and the one in front of you gives you more time to react if something unexpected happens. This helps prevent crashes from behind and makes driving safer for everyone.

Improve Your Vehicle Visibility

Clear visibility is essential when driving, especially in extreme weather. Without it, accidents can happen. Keep your headlights on low beams to improve visibility and reduce the risk of accidents by up to 38%. In severe conditions, consider using hazard lights, but be aware of local regulations. 

Emergency Equipment 

Along with these basic practices, you also need to have emergency equipment and a first aid kit in case of any accident. In case of unexpected delays and emergencies you need to be prepared. Your emergency kit should have:

  • Flashlight and Batteries
  • Reflective Warning Triangles or Flares
  • Jumper Cables
  • Basic Tools
  • Blanket
  • Non-Perishable Snacks and Water
  • Portable Phone Charger
  • Tire Pressure Gauge and Sealer
  • Emergency Contact Information
  • Whistle
  • Multi-Purpose Rope or Tow Strap
  • Rain Poncho or Umbrella
  • Paper Map
  • Duct Tape

We Are Here For You!

If you need further guidance then GClass Drivers are here for you. Our experienced instructors will teach you about basic practices along with equipment handling under extreme conditions. From basic driving techniques to defensive driving skills we have got it all covered. We are your partners in your driving journey. Not only will we help you improve your skills but will also point out areas of improvement. So what’s the wait for? Contact GClass Drivers today and let us help you in becoming a pro driver.   


In conclusion, driving in extreme weather conditions can be challenging, but with the right preparation and knowledge, it’s manageable. Regular vehicle maintenance, using snow tires, maintaining a safe distance, improving vehicle visibility, and having emergency equipment are essential practices for safe driving in adverse conditions. At GClass Drivers, we’re here to support you in your driving journey, providing guidance, instruction, and the skills you need to navigate any situation with confidence. Stay safe on the roads, and remember, we’re always here to help.


What should I do before driving in bad weather?

Before driving in bad weather, perform a quick vehicle inspection, including checking fluids, tire pressure, and lights. Ensure your car is well-maintained and prepared for the conditions.

Are snow tires necessary in winter?

Yes, snow tires provide better traction on icy and snowy roads compared to all-season tires, reducing the risk of skidding and accidents.

How can I improve visibility in bad weather?

Keep headlights on low beams for better visibility and consider using hazard lights in severe conditions. Clean mirrors and lights regularly to maintain clear visibility.

What emergency equipment should I have in my car?

Emergency equipment includes a flashlight, jumper cables, reflective warning triangles, basic tools, blankets, non-perishable snacks, a portable phone charger, and a first aid kit, among other items.

Where can I get driving guidance and instruction for extreme conditions?

GClass Drivers offers experienced instructors who can teach you basic practices and equipment handling under extreme conditions, helping you become a confident and skilled driver.

Why is maintaining a safe distance important?

Maintaining a safe distance between vehicles allows for better reaction time in case of sudden braking or emergencies, reducing the risk of rear-end collisions.

How can I avoid accidents in bad weather?

Avoiding accidents in bad weather involves driving cautiously, reducing speed, maintaining control of the vehicle, and being aware of road conditions and other drivers.

What should I do if I encounter an emergency on the road?

If you encounter an emergency on the road, remain calm, assess the situation, and use your emergency equipment as needed. If necessary, contact roadside assistance or emergency services for help.

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