How Can You Best Handle Frustration When Driving

How Can You Best Handle Frustration When Driving

Frustrated Driving is a serious problem for Canadian drivers that need to be considered. According to the AAA Foundation, about 80% of people feel anger while sitting behind the wheel. These numbers are undoubtedly concerning. Driving is a necessity of our daily lives, which is why you need to know how can you best handle frustration when driving.

Whether you are an experienced driver or a beginner driver, driving can bring out different emotions. Sometimes, while driving, you feel a sense of happiness and calmness. But at the same time, it can be frustrating and nerve wracking as well. 

What is Road Rage?

Road rage is sudden anger which is exhibited by car drivers or motorists. During road rage, people exhibit anger symptoms, which could probably turn into a bad decision. Most drivers experience road rage, and due to this, they drive fast. Along with this, changing lanes quickly and making riskier decisions can also be a result of reggae driving. Aggressive driving has become a common issue that needs to be controlled. You need to learn how can you best handle frustration when driving. 

Examples of Road Rage

Some of the common examples of road rage are given below:

  • Cursing and other rude or offensive gestures
  • Throwing objects
  • Ramming or sideswiping vehicles 
  • Forcing drivers off of roads

How Can You Best Handle Frustration When Driving?

Some of the tips that will help you handle frustration when driving are given below:

Avoid Driving When You Are Angry

If you are in a bad mood it’s better toa void driving. Getting behind the wheel when you are feeling angry can be dangerous. Statistics have shown that driving angrily drastically increases the chances of an accident. You need to give yourself enough time and relax. Use anger management techniques to calm yourself down. As an angry driver you are not only a risk for yourself but also for others. 

Remain Calm During Traffic

Another potential issue drivers face is traffic. Traffic issues can be unpredictable even when you are using any appropriate app. Traffic, other drivers and construction issues can make you frustrated and late. Even when there is no traffic you may come in contact with a slow driver which might cause you to slow down. 

To avoid all these issues it’s better if you leave the house 15 minutes before. Rather than speeding and getting angry, leaving your house early can possibly solve all these issues.

When Tailgated By a Speeder

Tailgating is a common experience which is experienced by almost every driver. Tailgating occurs when a fellow driver or driver behind you is very close. According to the standard rule there should be a 3 second distance between you and the next car. However, some aggressive drivers may not follow this rule. In such a situation check whether you are driving under the speed limit. You can speed up if it’s safe for you, otherwise remain calm so that you don’t make a hasty decision. Let the driver know you will move when it’s possible for you.

Understand Others 

How can you best handle frustration when driving? Well one of the ways is to be understanding. Try to know the situations of your fellow drivers. It’s possible that they might be feeling stressed or they could have experienced a temporary lapse. It’s common for people to make mistakes on roads, even you can make mistakes.

Although you can’t control other people’s anger , you can manage your response. Your fellow driver may be new to driving or he may be having a bad day. So rather than making the situation worse, be considerate and understand their position as well.

Encountering Rage Road Drivers

There may be situations where the other drivers might be driving aggressively. Such drivers often create risks for themselves as well as for others. Aggressive drivers often honk horns unnecessarily, exceed speed limits and change lanes without warning. They may also make offensive gestures, roll down windows and yell. 

It’s natural for you to get frustrated in response to such actions. But this will only worsen the situation. So how can you best handle frustration when driving? It’s better to avoid eye contact and create distance between you and the aggressive driver. Take a deep breath and just avoid such people. 

Use Relaxation Methods 

To handle frustration when driving you can practice various methods. You can listen to calm music while driving. Studies have shown that listening to calm music can improve your mood and can make you relax. Along with this make yourself comfortable by adjusting your seat and mirrors. Physical discomfort leads to tension so to avoid this, adjust everything before driving.

Anger Management Techniques

Some of the anger management techniques you can use even in daily life alongside driving are given below:

  • Deep Breathing
  • Changing your environment
  • Exercise 
  • Identify your triggers and try to avoid them
  • Humor 
  • Cognitive restructuring
  • Better Communication
  • Identify possible solutions

Effects of Frustrated Driving

Some of the effects or road rage or frustrated driving are given below:

  • Driving under stress and anger increases the likelihood of accidents.
  • Blood pressure is increased and can also lead to long term high blood pressure as well as raised cholesterol levels. 
  • Aggressive drivers have twice the chance of accidents and are also reported for speeding.
  • Frustrated drivers often lose sight of safety which leads to collisions.
  • If you are involved in an accident due to road rage you may also be liable for damages. 
  • When you drive aggressively you also put the other passengers life in danger.


To conclude this article summarizes how can you best handle frustration when driving. Emotions can fluctuate between joy and frustration. Frustrated driving is a major issue among Canadian drivers. About 80% of individuals admit that they feel anger behind the wheel. Frustrated or road rage drivers honk unnecessarily and make offensive gestures. But it’s necessary to avoid road rage and focus on the road. Aggressive or distracted drivers are one of the major causes of accidents. It’s better to avoid driving when you are feeling angry or in a bad mood.

Anger clouds your judgment ability and increases the chances of accidents. Understanding fellow drivers’ situations, and resisting the urge to escalate situations are key elements in defusing road rage. Relaxation methods, such as listening to calming music and taking deep breaths can also manage your anger. Ultimately, frustrated driving has serious consequences, including heightened accident risks, increased blood pressure, heart rate, and potential legal liabilities. So try to avoid frustrated driving situations as it’s better to be safe than sorry.

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