10 Safe Driving Tips For Heavy Rain

10 Best Safe Driving Tips For Heavy Rain in 2023

Tips on driving in heavy rain to stay safe and avoid a collision the next time you’re caught on the road. You Need to consider the driving tips for heavy rain to avoid and minimize any sort of accidents. Rainy days provide a welcome respite from the scorching heat and dry spells, but they also present their own set of challenges especially when driving. 

While heavy rainfall may be a sight to behold, it’s essential that drivers exercise caution on the roads. To reduce accidents caused by heavy rain, here are some essential driving tips, reduce speed, maintain a safe distance from other vehicles, avoid sudden movements, and turn on your headlights. These simple yet effective measures can help ensure you remain safe while driving in heavy conditions.

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10 Best Safe Driving Tips For Heavy Rain

Drivers need to be extra cautious when driving in such weather conditions. Some of the tips for driving in the rain that can help us avoid trouble are given below:

Be Cautious of Hydroplaning 

Aquaplaning or hydroplaning is a procedure that occurs when a thin layer of inches of water forms between the wheels of the car and road surface. So the car moves on the water instead of the road surface and causes the driver to lose control.

This results in difficult handling of the steering wheel and loss of traction. Drivers need to stay cautious in such situations. The best thing is to stay calm and relaxed. Reduced speed will also help you in this situation.    

Slow Down Your Speed

When driving in wet conditions the more speedily you are driving the more chance there will be to lose control. This will help you better react in dangerous situations. In rainy weather the chances of accidents are also increased. So it’s better to be cautious. Drive at a low speed then on regular days. This will give the driver time to react if another or his own car loses control.

Remember The Basics

Turn on your headlights. Check whether they are working properly or not. Remember to thoroughly do a vehicle check. While driving, stay away from puddles. Slow down as much as you can and never use cruise control. Be focused and be aware of your surroundings.

Check Your Windshield Wipers

It is advised to check your windshield wipers and wiper blades are in good condition. If the wipers are in bad condition they will leave smudges on the screen. This will result in reduced visibility which can be an issue in heavy rain.

Drive in the Middle of the Road

Most of the roads in Canada are made a little higher in the middle of the road. This is done so that during the rainy weather the water will fall down towards the edges. So at the edges there will be more puddles. Try to avoid those puddles as much as possible.

Maintain a Safe Distance

When driving in heavy rain it is advised to maintain a safe distance from the car in front of you. This will give the driver time to react if he loses control in case of any emergency. You should follow the three second rule in which you consider an object as a reference marker. And when the other car passes it you should be able to count “one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three”. This means that you are at a safe stopping distance from the other car.

Avoid Puddles

Heavy rain causes puddles to form on the road. These puddles can be dangerous. You can’t know by looking at how deep a puddle is. Try to drive on a different route or change your side. Stick closer to the middle lane.  

Check Your Visibility

During heavy rain visibility may decrease. Driving can become so hard as you can not see properly. This is a dangerous situation and it’s better to pull off rather than blindly drive. Find a safe spot and wait for the rain to stop. Turn your hazard lights on so that the coming cars can see you.

Apply Brake Earlier

Apply breaks before the last moment. Doing so will give you extra time to stop. Drivers also need to slow their speed to avoid any inconvenience. Maintain a distance between your car in such bad weather.

Check Your Tyres

It’s recommended to check your tires after every few months. Doing a thorough check of your tires will help you identify any crack and issues present. Check the tire pressure regularly and keep your tires inflated. An under inflated tire will wear out faster and if tires are over inflated then the shape of the tire may become distorted. The tread depth helps you maintain grip on the road. But if it’s not deep enough then your car may lose traction. 


To wrap up the discussion, the above mentioned driving tips for heavy rain will surely help in bad weather conditions. You need to be cautious and drive safely on wet roads. Driving needs to be done with proper focus and calmness. Especially in heavy rain drivers need to take extra precautions, even if you are a pro driver.

According to the stats of National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), wet pavement results in 70% of weather related accidents. And regarding rain, it causes about 40% of car accidents. So better to be safe than sorry, right? Drive safely everyone!

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